Frequently asked questions

  • Size guides can be found on the product page of a specific item.
  • Our core items include both a size and fit guide, outlining both the measurements and general fit of the garment.
  • Model sizes can be found in the "size and fit" description on each product.
  • Email us at for all inquiries.
  • Orders are normally shipped within 5 business days.
  • As soon as your order is placed, you will receive your order confirmation with order details.
  • You will receive tracking information as soon as we pack your item for delivery.
  • Please contact us at with any additional questions.
  • Our standard shipping is free for all domestic orders over $125.
  • Shipping for orders under $125 is $8. 
  • We currently don't offer international shipping.
  • if you are interested in purchasing something outside the US, please contact
  • Full refunds are available for full priced merchandise returned within 30 days of purchase, unopened, unwashed, with tags attached.
  • There are no refunds or exchanges for sales merchandise products.
  • Returns will be subject to a $8 return shipping fee, which will be deducted from your refund. 
  • To start an online return or exchange, please email
  • If the item is a gift, the recipient just needs the order number and the shipping zip code and the purchaser's email address, or phone number. 
  • Please allow 7-10 business days for refunds and exchanges to be processed.
  • We try to pack as carefully as possible but sometimes mistakes happen. We are happy to send you a shipping label to return any incorrect or damaged items and we will ship a replacement or issue a full refund as quickly as possible.
  • We do not offer discounts for incorrect or damaged items.
  • Every item is uniquely made. Please see our product details and care tags located on the garment for full care instruction.
  • With purchase of any of our Peoplehoodies, a PPLHD Gather is added to our Gathers to Give database for someone in need. Gifted Gathers are for anyone who needs or wants the space to be heard. No questions asked.
  • If you’re interested in learning more about Gifted Gathers or have someone you’d like to pay a Gather forward to please email